Catering Business Report Template
The catering business report template is a wonderful tool used by business executives to prepare an effective business plan. As far as the catering business is concerned, it is the most lucrative and profitable business. This business has a huge potential for expansion and growth. A catering business report can be relatively simple to start with as compared to other businesses, because it doesn’t require a lot of specialized equipment or inventory. We may say that it is a financially rewarding and enjoyable business. However, for any catered event, like children’s birthday parties, breakfast events, intimate candlelight dinners for couples, company dinner parties and wedding reception events, a good catering business report is an essential tool. If you are a talented chef and love to spend time in the kitchen, then the catering business is a natural step to take.
What is Catering Business?
If you need to prepare a catering business plan, then you should consider seeking guidance from a general business plan. There are a few things you should take into consideration before deciding to run a catering business:
• What sort of events would you like to organize?
• Is there a market for this type of service in your area?
• How much competition would you have?
• Is there any particular niche you want to fill or quality that would set your catering business apart from others?
What Questions will be Answered by Contract?
A legal contract is a mandatory requirement whenever any business wishes to start a new business. Similarly, the catering business plan should also be considered using a contract for legal protection. A good contract is one that can answer the following questions:
• What services will you provide?
• What foods will you prepare and how much of it?
• When will you arrive at the event?
• What type of serving container will you use?
• Will you provide any plates, cups or utensils?
• Will food be hot or cold?
• Will you need any refrigerator space, water or electrical outlets?
• Will you serve food or remain at the event?
• Who will clean up?
• What is the cost of your services, and when will you be paid?
Crucial Factors When Writing a Catering Business Report:
Food and Business Laws:
You should look into food and business laws whenever you wish to launch a catering business. You may have to follow a number of guidelines if you wish to get a license. There are certain challenges which you might face when requesting a valid license, like there are several states which require catering event organizers to prepare food in a specialized zoned commercial kitchen. However, you can achieve this challenge by preparing food in the kitchens of your customers. For instance, go over people’s houses before parties. In this case, you are selling your services (cooking) rather than the food you have prepared, so you have no need to use a commercial kitchen.
Dedicate Separate Space:
You will need to provide a dedicated separate space for the kitchen for various events if you are cooking outside your kitchen. This space will include an area to store bulk food supplies for catering use, a place to keep your papers organized and for using a telephone and computer.
Business Records:
You need to keep thorough catering business records. Save receipts for any payment or food you purchase; plus, copies of catering invoices you send to customers. Be careful about records of payment you have received. The catering invoice is the most important document to maintain written evidence of payments and receipts.
Workforce for Your Business:
You should decide whether you will work alone or involve anyone else in your catering business. It can be helpful to have a more hands-on job. It can also make things more complicated from a business standpoint. If you are in need of employees, you also need a registered official caterer and certain obligations are also incurred on your business in terms of Social Security Tax. You can consider setting up a partnership if you don’t want to work alone.
Promotional Materials:
You should prepare promotional materials like business cards, a website, advertisement and sample menus, promotional brochures. Decide how you will price your services. Let the people know that you are going into business and consider offering to cater to a few parties for free to get some exposure for a new home-based catering business.
Templates for Catering Business Report: